Human Home
Uncategorized Reflections

Human Home

There are slight rain drops on the outside. I can tell because the dust on my balcony allows the … Read more

Things I am, Things I do, Things Live for

Things I am, Things I do, Things Live for

Among the few gifts I received on my birthday, an anonymous person sent me a gift card in which they … Read more

Walking Away

Walking Away

(For the people whose physical touches I have forgotten, whose breaths have been swallowed by the … Read more

Freedom, At Last

Freedom, At Last

July 4th 2019 might remain to be the day permanently etched in my mind, just because it is the day I … Read more

End of The Road

End of The Road

For the one who holds ransom a greater part of my heart. The one who kills me softly with their … Read more

Musings of an Eight-Year-Old

Musings of an Eight-Year-Old

It is mid-morning. No dew. No chirping birds. Just the vrooms from vehicles and the screaming of … Read more

Breaking Loose
Uncategorized Reflections

Breaking Loose

It has been long since I was last here. Long since I had something worth writing here; that people … Read more

My Race, My Pace

My Race, My Pace

(Of feeling you are stuck, nothing seems to go on right, and constantly being tossed into a battle … Read more

Afire Love
Death Reflections

Afire Love

(Ed Sheeran has a song called Afire Love. I couldn’t find a song as fulfilling as that when writing … Read more

Day 16: 3 Things I Am Proud of About My Personality
30 Days Challenge Reflections

Day 16: 3 Things I Am Proud of About My Personality

This one time, let me try to blow my own trumpet. It is always a hard thing to do. But challenges … Read more

Meet Eunniah Mbabazi
Eunniah Mbabazi is an Electrical and Electronic Engineer with a deep passion for books and literature. She has authored Breaking Down (a collection of short stories), If My Bones Could Speak (a poetry collection), The Unbirthed Souls (a collection of short stories), and My Heart Sings, Sometimes (a poetry collection). She has also co-authored Kas Kazi (a novel) and When a Stranger Called (an anthology of short stories).

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