Blackness of a Storm

Blackness of a Storm

Their text comes in at 4 p.m. just as I am flipping the last page of the book I am reading. Just as … Read more

The Smell of Death
Reflections Scars

The Smell of Death

I stare right at her as she talks, even though I can barely see her. I notice her lips moving, the … Read more

This is How They Will Find You

This is How They Will Find You

You had forgotten how it felt to stand in the shower with someone else. To have someone else watch … Read more

Talking to You
Death Reflections

Talking to You

Dear Bree, I was reading Audre Lorde’s Sister Outsider, and she asked, “What do you do with your … Read more



I sit cross-legged with Nate on the grass in the field behind my house, under the 4 p.m. clouds that … Read more

Killing Myself, for You
Scars Death

Killing Myself, for You

I almost killed someone today. I say almost, because I was this close, this close to killing myself. … Read more

Teaching My Heart How to Beat Again
Reflections Scars

Teaching My Heart How to Beat Again

I am on phone with Jack at 2 a.m. when I lose it. “Breathe. Just breathe, please,” he is saying, but … Read more

For HH

For HH

I am in the kitchen making dinner. Somehow, you have managed to convince me to do it without … Read more

The Hand of Darkness

The Hand of Darkness

“I tried to kill myself yesterday,” I say, just as I settle in my chair across him. The words fall … Read more

Staying Alive

Staying Alive

When it starts, this racing of my heart as if I am losing myself again. This palpitating of my heart … Read more

Meet Eunniah Mbabazi
Eunniah Mbabazi is an Electrical and Electronic Engineer with a deep passion for books and literature. She has authored Breaking Down (a collection of short stories), If My Bones Could Speak (a poetry collection), The Unbirthed Souls (a collection of short stories), and My Heart Sings, Sometimes (a poetry collection). She has also co-authored Kas Kazi (a novel) and When a Stranger Called (an anthology of short stories).
Breaking Down
Breaking Down
A collection of short stories based on themes such as self identity, rape, family and marriage, heartbreaks, sibling rivalry, and broken friendships. It potrays a society comprised of people struggling to break away from the jails of personalities, and the long journey to freedom and acceptance.
If My Bones Could Speak
If My Bones Could Speak
A poetry collection.

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